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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, July 25, 2022

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine Published this article page no 49 unifrm civil cde (ucc) why in news? recently the ministry f law and justice said in respnse t a pil filed in 2019 that the implementatin f the unifrm civil cde (ucc) is a matter f public plicy and that n directin in this regard can be issued by the curt. abut ucc ucc prvides fr ne law fr the entire cuntry applicable t all religius cmmunities in their persnal matters such as marriage divrce inheritance adptin etc. article 44 f the cnstitutin lays dwn that the state shall endeavr t secure a ucc fr the citizens thrughut the territry f india. status f unifrm cdes in india  indian laws d fllw a unifrm cde in mst civil matters such as indian cntract act 1872 civil prcedure cde transfer f prperty act 1882 partnership act 1932 evidence act 1872 etc.  states hwever have made hundreds f amendments and therefre in certain matters there is diversity even under these secular civil laws.  recently several states refused t be gverned by the unifrm mtr vehicles act 2019. ga is the nly indian state t have a ucc in the frm f cmmn family law. backgrund f ucc preindependence (clnial era)  lex lci reprt f ctber 1840 it stressed the imprtance and necessity f unifrmity in the cdificatin f indian law relating t crimes evidence and cntract. but it als recmmended that persnal laws f hindus and muslims shuld be kept utside such cdificatin Competition Refresher Magazine buy. 

Competition Refresher Magazine

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