competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, December 23, 2022

griha shobha magazine in hindi

griha shobha magazine in hindi

griha shobha magazine in hindi Article was published in october Currently ISRO holds only 2% of global commercial space sector market. About LVM3-M2 launch vehicle (earlier called Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle Mark III or GSLV-MK3) o It is a 3-stage launch vehicle consisting of Cryogenic Upper Stage Solid Rocket Boosters and Core Liquid Stage. o It has a carrying capacity of 8 tonnes to low earth orbit (LEO) and 4 tonnes to geo transfer orbit (GTO). o It is ISROs second rocket for global commercial market after its Polar Satellite Launch vehicle (PSLV). o It has had four successful missions including Chandrayaan-2 and will be used for Gaganyaan (Human Space Flight) Chandrayaan-3 and Aditya L1 (mission to study sun) as well. About OneWeb OneWeb is a joint venture between Indias Bharti Enterprises and U.K. government to deliver high-speed low-latency connectivity worldwide. OneWeb satellites operate in LEO at an altitude of 1200 kilometers griha shobha magazine subscription. 

griha shobha magazine in hindi

Monday, July 25, 2022

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine Published this article page no 49 unifrm civil cde (ucc) why in news? recently the ministry f law and justice said in respnse t a pil filed in 2019 that the implementatin f the unifrm civil cde (ucc) is a matter f public plicy and that n directin in this regard can be issued by the curt. abut ucc ucc prvides fr ne law fr the entire cuntry applicable t all religius cmmunities in their persnal matters such as marriage divrce inheritance adptin etc. article 44 f the cnstitutin lays dwn that the state shall endeavr t secure a ucc fr the citizens thrughut the territry f india. status f unifrm cdes in india  indian laws d fllw a unifrm cde in mst civil matters such as indian cntract act 1872 civil prcedure cde transfer f prperty act 1882 partnership act 1932 evidence act 1872 etc.  states hwever have made hundreds f amendments and therefre in certain matters there is diversity even under these secular civil laws.  recently several states refused t be gverned by the unifrm mtr vehicles act 2019. ga is the nly indian state t have a ucc in the frm f cmmn family law. backgrund f ucc preindependence (clnial era)  lex lci reprt f ctber 1840 it stressed the imprtance and necessity f unifrmity in the cdificatin f indian law relating t crimes evidence and cntract. but it als recmmended that persnal laws f hindus and muslims shuld be kept utside such cdificatin Competition Refresher Magazine buy. 

Competition Refresher Magazine

Saturday, July 16, 2022

pratiyogita darpan hindi

pratiyogita darpan hindi 

pratiyogita darpan hindi Published this article page no  117 Existing economy is premised on some serious flawed assumptions such aso that humans have a right to exploit nature and extract what they need writing off any losses to nature as externalities that do not show up on the books. 47 Some steps taken by India on Green Economy  India has put forward its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).  The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) along with the State Action Plan on Climate Change seek to mainstream climate in development processes at the national and state levels.  The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change recognized green growth in its vision wherein poverty eradication along with green growth is seen to be central.  The Fourteenth Finance Commission has introduced a forwardlooking incentivebased grant rewarding the states with quality forest cover measured by moderate and very dense forest cover. o The practice is continued by the Fifteenth Finance Commission and it further enhanced the weightage assigned to forest cover.  The Government of India has a renewable capacity target of 175 GW by 2022. Global Illustrations on Green Economy  Korea has adopted a national strategy and a fiveyear plan for green growth for the period 2009–2013 allocating 2% of its GDP to investment in several green sectors such as renewable energy energy efficiency clean technology and water pratiyogita darpan hindi buy. 

pratiyogita darpan hindi 

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no 34  Agriculture The food supply chain is one characterized by asymmetry of information. The complex network comprises farmers brokers distributors processors retailers regulators and consumers. o Improved data sharing will result in stakeholders getting their dues (particularly poor farmers with small land holdings) and consumers having control on food quality. o Last year Coffee Board had launched the Coffee Blockchain initiative. Under it countrys first blockchainbased marketplace app for trading in Indian coffee was launched which aimed at getting growers better returns by removing middlemen.  Telecom to eliminate spam calls and financial fraud by unregistered telecom marketers and open up new revenue streams for the telecom companies etc. For instanceo Tech Mahindra has partnered with Microsoft and their Blockchain Solution enables customers preference registration consent acquisition dynamic preference setting stakeholder onboarding etc.  Governance Digital identities maintaining digital certificates of citizens from birth to death and that of different types of asset ownership electronic voting educational certificates monitoring welfare programs tracking procurement of all key products and services across Government departments protecting patents copyrights and trademarks confidential access and tracking of health records of all citizens cybersecurity of critical infrastructure are some of the key applications of Blockchain technology o E.g. Andhra Pradesh has piloted two projects on managing land records and streamlining vehicle registrations. West Bengal has implemented Blockchain based issuance of Birth certificates to newborn. o NITI Aayog is building a platform called IndiaChain — a shared Indiaspecific blockchain infrastructure to leverage the trinity of JanDhanYojana Aadhaar and the mobile Shine india monthly magazine buy. 

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  33 Banking For efficient banking operations and efficiently using the KYC procedures offered by this technology. For instanceo SBI leads as the first bank to use KYC and facilitate remittances based on blockchain. o Yes Bank adopted this technology to fully digitise vendor financing for one of its clients which enables timely processing of vendor payments without physical documents and manual intervention while tracking the status of transactions in real time. o Cross border remittances can be made faster and less costly.  Capital Markets in the areas ofo Trade Settlement Faster transfer of securities and payments and reduced trading cost by removing intermediaries o Commercial Papers Issuance and Trading Smart contract based issuance and allocation of Commercial paper to investors settlement of delivery and payments  Cybersecurity Sensitive data moved to the blockchain can effectively manage access by minimizing the risk of leaks to hackers. For instanceo The Block Armour solution is the company which ringfences an organizations critical resources securely providing access to authorized users and devices.  Healthcare and pharmaceuticals It involves a lot of sensitive clinical data which demands a secure and reliable system. For instance 74 o Kare4u Healthcare Solutions has partnered with hospitals insurance companies and patients to implement its Blockchainenabled mobile platform HealthPro to connect hospitals insurance companies and host medical records of patients Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine