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competition wizard magazine

Friday, July 23, 2021

banking services chronicle may 2021

 banking services chronicle may 2021

banking services chronicle may 2021  published this article  For strangers to be allowed to make those decisions for me is to me just plain wrong. For various health reasons I have been in pain for the last thirty 30 plus years. For the last four years I have been in constant 24 hours a day fairly severe pain yet I have chosen to live Note While some of my problems are progressive they are not unless I live a very long time terminal.. I am not now nor have I ever been afraid to die. Dying is easy its living that is hard. I choose to live for my loved ones. They are more important than the pain I am enduring. They love and need me therefore I need to be here for them. Because I love them their welfare is more important to me than anything else. However I would hate to be forced to live if I was terminally ill in constant pain incuring huge medical bills and couldnt take care of myself or my family. Im not saying that I would commit suicide but I am saying that it should be my decision and not some politicians decision. My decision should be based on how I feel it will help or harm my loved ones and on my religious beliefs at that time not on the religious beliefs of some stranger. That stranger doesnt feel my pain doesnt know what it is or is not doing to my family and doesnt suffer my loss of dignity. I realize that many religions my own included believe that taking your own life for any reason is a sin and will cause you to be cast down. I hope that that is not true however as God has never spoken to me I have no way of knowing for sure. Therefore I personally would probably at this time elect to live no matter how bad things became. I love my wife and sons and would hate to take the chance that they would go one place while I went elsewhere. I like the thought that after I die I may be someday reunited with them for all eternity. This however does not give me or anyone else the right to decide that others have to live no matter what their circumstances. Just as I want the right to decide my own fate I believe that others should have the right to decide their own fates. This is America the land of the free and we are supposed to have religious freedom liberty and the right to happiness. For politicians to force their beliefs on us in these types of matters is I believe wrong immoral cruel and un American because by doing so they are taking away our religious freedom our liberty and our right to happiness If someone is forced to suffer needlessly they are not happy.. I believe in giving up some freedom when it is for the good of the country or for the safety of my loved ones. I dont believe in giving up rights when it is for the good of some politicians ego or beliefs. Politicians should stop trying to protect everyone from themselves. Thats not why they were elected. Please dont take this article as saying that I am pro or anti suicide. All I am saying is that how one ends ones life should be a personal matter. It should not be for strangers to decide or control. banking services chronicle magazine subscription

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