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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 7 most other western nations by comparison are more homogeneous than the u.s. which brings us back to the thesis that america does not need a gun control law it needs a crime control law. the number one concern in america today is safety safety from terrorists safety from drugs and violent drug dealers safety from gangs and safety from those whose evil ways affect our lives and our childrens lives everyday. however we have no safety of which to speak. our police departments are as overwhelmed by the size of the enemy as are our troops in iraq. without safety we are prisoners of our own society. safety and security are more important than any other issue for without it we cease to live. we merely exist. we must first feel safe and be safe before we can think about curing our other ills banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

 Banking service chronicle