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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

science reporter magazine

science reporter magazine buy now
sciencereporter magazine  published this  article page no 1 the    Indian     Sign    Language Research and Training Centre provides professional   training   courses  with  a view to develop trained manpower in the disability sector and is providing various other rehabilitation services. Centre for Disability Sports encourages the PwDs to  pursue  sports.  National   Institute for  lnclusive   and  Universal   Design creates   Barrier   Free  Environment National   Institute  of Mental  Health Rehabilitation  and National  Institutes are established  to handle professional training courses with a view to develop trained   manpower   in  the  disability sector   and  are  providing    various other rehabilitation  services. Artificial Limbs   Manufacturing     Corporation of   India  ALIMCO    manufactures artificial  limbs  for  disabled  persons and distributes aids and appliances  for disabled and aged persons science reporter magazine.

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